Tuesday, April 13, 2010

P to the U to the P-P-Y!

I promised a happy blog!! I promised cute and furry and I plan to deliver! 

But first I want to say thank you to someone. 

I have a friend. Well, she and I never really hung out, or spent a lot of time together, but we've known each other for a long time.  Through Facebook we've caught up on each othere's lives, me living vicariously through her celeb spottings in sunny California, and her well... looking at my boring pictures :)

She's been a fountain of information for me, SHE moved down to the states from Canada and when I was getting ready for my move, she was awesome. Willing to share any info she could to help it go easier.  Yesterday she shared with me about her experience with "Line A-ers".  It was so great knowing that I wasn't crazy, that I wasn't just over reacting to people, or being overly sensitive. 


Okay... on to the Puppy!!

McHubby, The Eldest, Munchkin and I have been all over the place during March Break.  Remember we went to Canada? and then we headed down to Atlanta on Business/Vacation.  Well, when we were on our way back from Atlanta, My baby aches were pretty bad.  I was in serious need of someone to love and hug and call George. (you know... the bugs bunny catoon with the abominable snow man??  No? here... )

So we stumbled across this little guy...

Meet Harley.  Our 10 week old Shneagle. (Part Mini Schnauzer, Part Beagle)

He fits right into our family!

And is trying to fit right into big brother's shoes.

Like Monkey see...

Monkey do!

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